AARP Shows How To Stop The Scams Perpetrated On Military Families.(Part 2)
Listen carefully to this program so as to have the knowledge to protect yourself and your family. Our Guest is Colleen R Krepstekies, Associate State Director of Comm. Florida Veterans Outreach Lead AARP Florida. With over 4 million active and prior service personnel as members, AARP knows a lot about what the military family faces. AARP is working to stop scams against service members and veterans. They have many programs that have started out serving the retired community but morphed into programs that serve all ages. One such program is their efforts to protect the senior community from scams. Their research showed that our military community was being attacked by the same scammers that attack the elderly. Listen in and learn to protect yourself from these cruel conmen. Veterans Corner Radio is own and produced by (c) 2020 William N Hodges