What lessons have AFP leaders learned about keeping their community vibrant and in tact?
Even before the pandemic became our shared reality, I was admired the trend among large organizations of distributing control of decision-making to local leaders. It is foreseeable that, in order to remain vibrant and relevant in our new normal, membership organizations like AFP will have to increasingly allow chapters the opportunity to drive the conversation and afford local leaders the privilege of setting the agenda for future initiatives. I’m certainly not the first, and won’t be the last, to suggest that local leadership is critically important during these uncertain and socially-distanced times. I really enjoyed this conversation with AFP Detroit chapter leaders Steve and Diane to discuss the important lessons they have learned during the pandemic and about how to keep a professional community in tact. I was intrigued to hear that the Detroit chapter had collaborated with leaders in New York City and New Orleans chapters who represent communities that are facing very similar challenges. As always, the team at Responsive Fundraising wants to thank our friends at CueBack for being our podcast sponsor and for ensuring that we can deliver up-to-date and thought-provoking conversations every week to those in the professional fundraising community. #responsivefundraising #unpredictable