#180 | To ensure more diversity among our donors, can fundraising become more exploratory work?
I wish more fundraising professionals were having these types of conversions; perhaps the current climate is encouraging more of us to do so. Today, Edward and I wrestled with the questions regarding the motives behind why we would meet with one donor over another and whether our intent can be about more than just money. For example, what does the overall process look like to ensure that we are engaging with donors outside the status quo? Should our metrics evolve to encourage fundraising professionals to explore beyond the opportunities that are highly efficient, predictable and ensure our sense of control? I appreciated that Edward is asking hard questions without insisting on having all the answers. I was very encouraged to hear that Edward desires more thoughtful, intentional practices and more exploratory work that affords meaningful engagement for those on both sides of the charitable gift. Edward is a 2006 graduate of Auburn University with a bachelor’s degree in Public Relations. Now working in the business school at Auburn, He previously served as the Major Gifts Officer for the Auburn University Office of Inclusion and Diversity. As always, we are grateful to OneCause for being our podcast sponsor. #responsivefundraising #unpredictable