#155 | What advice are we getting tired of hearing from fundraising consultants? Guest: David Baker @ Giving Design

If you’re like me, you have heard a lot of advice in the last eight weeks; and if you’re in the nonprofit space, the supply of fundraising advice has far exceeded demand. This morning I enjoyed a conversation with David Baker, JD who shared with me three often repeated myths that perhaps we’re all a little of tired of hearing. The two of us agreed that these mantras are in many ways attempts to provide a simple and easy rule without muddling through the sometimes difficult yet necessary discernment process of what to do next. My conversations with David and others recently suggests that part of the silver lining in the current pandemic is the realization that nonprofit leaders are not looking for an expert with all the answers and a one-size-fits-all development plan. Perhaps what we will begin to see is an evolution of what is expected of the fundraising consultant and how they can be expected to best serve our sector. Later this week, we are going to be talking with Glenn Davis at Simmons College of Kentucky as well as wrapping up our six-part collaboration with the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Greater Toronto Chapter. As always, we are grateful to OneCause for sponsoring The Fundraising Talent Podcast. If you’d like to be a guest on our show, email your big idea or bold opinion to jason@responsivefundraising.com.

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