Ep 18: Torrence Boone and Lars Bastholm of Google on Accepting Differences
'The World Changers'. "We're trying to figure out how do we get vaccines delivered to places that have no physical addresses." Torrence Boone and Lars Bastholm work at Google. Their jobs are multi-faceted but fundamentally they share a responsibility for helping others to unlock the business and societal potential of Google’s capacity for original thinking. Being a leader at Google demands reaching for the stars while figuring out how to pay the bills. It requires you consider the impossible and the commercial in the same breath. It encourages those who want to change the world. I talked to Torrence and Lars about their evolutions from Baltimore dancer and Danish film-maker to creative leaders and collaborators at one of the world’s most technologically advanced companies, about what they have learned about building teams and about their own experiences of being outsiders. For more information: www.fearlesscreativeleadership.com