S1E8: Determined to Make a Difference
The career switch demanded by a broken system and a heart determined to make a huge difference in the lives of abused and neglected children. My guest in this podcast is Cara Gerdiman, the Executive Director of Kids’ Harbor Child Advocacy Center. Even from a young age, she knew she wanted to make a positive difference in her community. After college, she began her career working with kids and teens who were caught running away from home, committing petty crimes, and children who were abused. It wasn’t long until she observed firsthand the cycle of poverty, incarceration, abuse, and neglect she had learned about in college. When the opportunity came for her to move from the public sector into nonprofit service, she jumped at the opportunity and then over the years she worked her way into a position of leadership at her organization. This interview will not only cover Cara’s journey into nonprofit, we’re also going to talk about some of the challenges that she had shifting from the position of co-worker into one of leadership and running the nonprofit–especially considering she had not yet had the training for that. Visit the show notes page to connect or browse the resources we mentioned during the broadcast:http://yournonprofitlife.com/ep8-cara-gerdiman/ Connect with Kids’ Harbor Child Advocacy Center: Organization Website: https://kidsharbormo.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KidsHarborInc/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuVZhTi2nW6ClqYSHmSdw5w Additional Links a Resources Mentioned in This Episode: Stewards of Children® from Darkness to Light The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It by Michael Gerber