God Bless Our Home - Part 2: Be The Peacemaker

Sunday, June 21 - 2020 ☀️Happy Sunday, Landmark Baptist Church☀️ God Bless Our Home - Part 2: Be The Peacemaker This week at Pastor Mark brings a message about how we as Christians are called to be the peacemakers in our homes and lives by addressing conflict and working to resolve it. Prayer Requests If you would like prayer this week for any struggles you may be having or would like to share a way that God has touched your life through this message, feel free to send us a message on Facebook, http://m.me/landmarktyler or send us an email at: mark.johnson@tylerisd.org Give Online If you would like to give online, you can do so securely through PayPal https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=sgZbmGyxJvqQAdpT31-9vxYoA_qWR3rzuChBH20d5J5d2DI1PW0l_c1T_Ya5JyPCY19xW0acountry.x=USalocale.x=US YouTube You can also catch our weekly sermons on our official YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCswJ1I5HxG8NQTIBYbxUjFg Thank you so much for tuning in this week! We pray this message blessed you, and we’ll see you next week!

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