Honoring Our Graduates - 2020
Sunday, June 7 - 2020 ☀️Happy Sunday, Landmark Baptist Church☀️ Honoring Our Graduates This week at Landmark Baptist Church, we are honoring our graduates and give a message about the future and how to lead a Godly life. Prayer Requests If you would like prayer this week for any struggles you may be having or would like to share a way that God has touched your life through this message, feel free to send us a message on Facebook, http://m.me/landmarktyler or send us an email at: mark.johnson@tylerisd.org Give Online If you would like to give online, you can do so securely through PayPal https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=sgZbmGyxJvqQAdpT31-9vxYoA_qWR3rzuChBH20d5J5d2DI1PW0l_c1T_Ya5JyPCY19xW0acountry.x=USalocale.x=US YouTube You can also catch our weekly sermons on our official YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCswJ1I5HxG8NQTIBYbxUjFg Thank you so much for tuning in this week! We pray this message blessed you, and we’ll see you next week!