Ep 201: A Conversation with Alex Dunne of Crime In Stereo - Part 1
In episode 201 of the podcast, we’re joined by Alex Dunne, guitarist of Crime In Stereo.
We talk Alex’s come up on Long Island, the early days of Crime In Stereo (formation, picking a name, etc), the stories behind signing to Blackout! and Nitro Records (all-time stories), The Troubled Stateside era and its legacy, The Bridge Nine era, and much much more.
Alex is a ‘final boss’ interview guest for us and this convo exceeded any and all expectations. So much so, that we talked for nearly 2 and a half hours. Episodes like this are why we started the podcast 4 years ago.
Stay tuned for Part 2 dropping next week.
Check out Crime In Stereo here:
IG: @crimeinstereoisdead
X/Twitter: @crimeinstereo
Photo Credit: Steve Levy
IG: @stevelevy_
X/Twitter: @stevenlevy_
Podcast Theme performed by Trawl. Check them out here:
IG/X/TikTok: @trawlband
We’d love for everyone to hear this episode! Support the Podioslave family by rating, subscribing, sharing, storying, tweeting, etc — you get the vibe. Peace, love, and Podioslave.
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