11. Dave Ulrich on The Role of the HR Business Partner in a Digital Age
The guest on this week’s show is none other than Dave Ulrich, the renowned university professor, author, speaker, coach, and management consultant. Dave is a Professor of Business at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, and co-founder of the RBL Group. With his colleagues he has written over 30 books that have shaped the HR profession, defined organisations' capabilities, and shown the impact of leadership on customers and investors. In our conversation, Dave and I delve into a multitude of topics, including: How HR can increase its impact to leaders, organisations, and workers We talk about the qualities that a great chief HR officer has, we actually even talk a little bit about some of the criticism of his infamous HR business partner model, and how the model has evolved over time We talk about four phases of digital HR, efficiency, innovation, information and connection We talk about the impact that technology and the future of work is having on strategic workforce planning We also delve into some of the surprising, and perhaps worrying findings Dave's researchers unearthed on how companies are using people analytics We talk about what Dave calls his new moonshot, an organisational guidance system that could herald the dawn of next generation HR, and increase the business impact of the function by several multiples Lastly, we look into the crystal ball, as we do with all our guests, and look at what the role of HR will be in 2025 This episode is a must listen for HR professionals looking to increase their business impact, as well as business leaders looking to get more out of their HR teams. Support for this podcast is brought to you by pymetrics, to learn more, visit pymetrics.com.