INTRODUCING: The Pondering Purple Podcast
Thank you, friends, for clicking on this introduction to the Pondering Purple podcast! I hope this will be a place of information, insight and inspiration for those of you who are MKs and those of you who love MKs. Please use the media links below to share this new resource in your missionary, MK and TCK circles. The first official episode will be posted next week. Make sure you subscribe through your podcast platform so you don’t miss any new posts. I'll be posting all new episodes on Facebook as well, so you can friend me there to see the announcements. (Make sure you hit "Follow first" so they don't get lost in your newsfeed.) If you’d rather receive an email from me when new episodes appear, simply write “subscribe to podcast” in the subject line of a message you send to All episodes will be based on articles published at www.michelephoenix/top-reads. Helpful definitions: MK or Missionaries' Kid - the child of missionaries. TCK or Third Culture Kid - someone who has spent a majority of his/her formative years in a culture other than his/her passport culture. This includes missionaries' kids, military kids, business kids, diplomats' kids, etc. Music: Bethany J. Dueck. --- Send in a voice message: