The Spy Who Played Major League Baseball: Filmmaker Aviva Kempner on Moe Berg
Even today, mysteries circulate about the life of Moe Berg, a major league baseball player during baseball’s Golden Age in the 1920s and 1930s who also spied for the United States in Europe. Award-winning documentary filmmaker Aviva Kempner chose to take on Berg's fascinating and jet-setting legacy in her latest film The Spy Behind Home Plate, opening this month. In this episode with Kempner and host B'nai B'rith International CEO Daniel S. Mariaschin, they discuss what is known of Berg’s life—his secret mission to discover whether the Nazis had invented an atomic bomb, his storied baseball career, and how he managed to pull off this double life. Kempner is also the creator of films about fellow Jewish baseball star Hank Greenberg and the radio and television star Gertrude Berg. To watch the trailer of The Spy Behind Home Plate, visit this link: