S1:E10 - The Top 10 Listener Questions from Season One - Answered!
In the final episode of season one, Mary answers the top 10 questions we've received from you and other listeners of the Fully Funded Podcast. A preview of the questions: 1. What is a good way to express to your donors and prayer team that you really do care about them, especially when they’re long distance and can’t be visited. Do you try to just keep in contact? Send gifts? 2. Our biggest challenge is finding new churches, families, and individuals to support us. How do we get in front of (at least virtually) new audiences? How can we enlarge our circle of influence without having to go back to the United States? 3. My mailing list is relatively small and dried up (little response). How do I get more new contacts? I need new leads! 4. How do I ask the people that I love and care about? What if they say ‘no’ and it creates an awkwardness in the relationship? 5. I have been leaning on the support of a few friends and family members. I have reached the point where I feel exhausted with asking family and friend to continue supporting my ministry. What do I do? 6. I have been a missionary for a long time now and I’ve run through my list. How do I approach people outside of the ministry for funds? 7. There is a perception that people in the country I serve do not need missionaries because it doesn’t appear to be a poor country. It is one of the most spiritually impoverished nations in the world. How do I share my story so they’ll want to support our mission? 8. Whenever I talk to my current supporters about bringing along others they know who might want to support our cause, they freak out and I never get any names. How do I build a team that wants to refer others to me? 9. Most people assume the work we do comes with a salary and we’ve had little transition in between our roles to have time to fundraise. How do we overcome these challenges? 10. One of my biggest challenges is feeling like you are alone in doing this. But, since I began listening to you guys things have totally changed. I received initial training, but haven’t received more info, wisdom and outside resources. Free Resource: Support Raising Checklist (PDF) Most missionaries struggle to know where to start their fundraising efforts. Use this full-color checklist to follow along with the podcast step-by-step as you plan your support raising campaign. Get your Missionary Support Raising Checklist here Fully Funded Workshop: March 4-6, 2018 in San Diego, CA Join Mike and Mary for a 3-day workshop designed to help Christian missionaries boost their fundraising budget and step into financial freedom. For more information: fullyfundedworkshop.com