S1:E8 - Make Your Difference: In Your Community, Ministry, and Yourself
In this episode we cover the final step of the Fundraising Freedom Framework: 1. Focus Your Vision 2. Run Your Research 3. Enlist Your Team 4. Enhance Your Brand 5. Deploy Your Team 6. Organize Your Ask 7. Make Your Difference The reason you're serving in the field is because you're looking to make a real difference in the lives of others. There's no greater change agent than the gospel of Jesus Christ, and having your work fully funded allows you to focus on the task at hand. Tune into this episode for practical tips and how to tie all this together and make an impact. Free Resource: Support Raising Checklist (PDF) Most missionaries struggle to know where to start their fundraising efforts. Use this full-color checklist to follow along with the podcast step-by-step as you plan your support raising campaign. Get your Missionary Support Raising Checklist here Fully Funded Workshop: March 4-6, 2018 in San Diego, CA Join Mike and Mary for a 3-day workshop designed to help Christian missionaries boost their fundraising budget and step into financial freedom. For more information: fullyfundedworkshop.com