Ep. 14 - The Infinite Journey - Chapter 4
In an attempt to find Beau, Tim, Dina, and Pauline head deeper into the Eleusinian Tournament's mainframe, with someone encountering a ghost from their past...
This episode of World of Tomorrow is written and directed by Benjamin Lancaster.
- Tim Less......Brian Ballance
- Eve Moore......Callie Wills
- Pauline......Katherine Jenkins
- Dina......Rin Wallace
- Translator Program......Teresa Hui
- Search Program......Barry Wallace
- Parrot......How Bowers
- Alastair Eastman......Jason Blackwater
- Julia Io......Jenna Browne
- Albert Last......How Bowers
- Orange County Deputy......Jake Ramos
- Security Guard......Chris Colon
- New AI Variable......Jacklyn Thomas
- Professor Feng......Teresa Hui
- Number Variable......Professor Dan Miller
- Annie Moore......Isa Jones
- Morris......Jake Ramos
- Tournament Announcer......Lou Mongello
- ACIP Voice......Ron Schneider
- Chime Voice......Jaclyn Thomas
Associate Producer, Naomi Addison
Music by trash-chan, Zsótér Zita
Creator, producer, and showrunner, Benjamin Lancaster
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