How to Install a Theme in WordPress
How to Install a Theme in WordPressNow we have the Elementor plug-in on our site which we can use later to build our website in a super fast and easy way.But, the theme your website now has seems very simple and does not describe a lot about yourself or your business. What comes in handy in WordPress is that you can get the theme you want based on the type of your business. A WordPress theme gives your website a certain structure on the way you want to design its appearance. There is a bundle of themes available for both free and paid which you can utilize to change your website´s appearance. Let´s download a theme to give our website an attractive appearance. For our demographic website creation, I am going to Download the ´Hello Elementor´ theme which is very lightweight, easy to use, and remains up-to-date. That means this theme will not make your site heavy and will not take much time to load when a user enters into it. You can even easily use it with other plug-ins without having any technical issues. Learn how to use WordPress in Easy ways. It is totally Beginner friendly and made easy for Non technical users.So, to install a theme (for this tutorial it is the Hello theme) you have to click on ´Appearance´ and then select ´Themes.´Now, as we did to set up the Elementor plug-in into our website, the same process goes for installing a theme as well. Just Click on ´Add New Theme´Search for the ´Hello Elementor´ on the Search bar. Select ´Details & Preview´ by hovering over the ´Hello´ theme card to see if this theme´s structure matches your preferences. If everything matches perfectly, let´s select ´Install´.Click on ´Activate´ to activate this theme. You can have a clear view of how the theme looks by clicking on our website name on the left corner of our editor page. It seems totally blank as the design part of the entire website still remains undone. So, we will utilize a pre-made template on our website to build the website in a faster way. For this, we will need to add plug-ins like ´Starter Templates´ which can offer us various ready-made templates to use it with our themes. Though there are various types of plugins are over there with a pre-made template, the ´Starter Templates´ come with a bunch of helpful features like pixel-perfect design, easy to customize, accessibility to try logos and typos before installing, and many other things. Therefore, to install the ´Starter Templates´ plug-in, simply go to ´Plug-ins´ and click on ´Add new´Search for ´Starter Templates´ in the search bar. Install and Activate it as you did for the installation and activation of other plug-ins. Now you have all the core necessary plug-ins and themes in your WordPress account to design and create a brand new website. So, let´s move forward with the next phase of our WordPress website creation using Elementor.