Coffee Break Podcast: Custody, Visitation a Timeshare
Welcome to RivCoDCSS Season 3 Episode 5 Coffee Break Podcast and “all things child support” with Host Nathan Hartel, Deputy Director of Programs and Operations. Our Special Guest today is Paola Castro, Lead Deputy Child Support Attorney, IV-S, and Family Law Facilitators, from the Riverside County Superior Court. The focus of this podcast is timeshare and custody. We will hear about what is the true connection between, custody, visitation, and timeshare in the world of Child Support. You don't want to miss this podcast, rich and frothy with key details about one of the most frequently asked topics. So sit back! grab your coffee or favorite drink and enjoy this coffee break podcast. (1:50) Introduction of our Special Guest today is Paola Castro, Child Support Attorney, IV-S. (3:02) Paola is excited to discuss this topic and the legal process around Timeshare. (3:57) What really is the connection to custody, visitation, and timeshare to the world of Child Support? (4:39) Paola answers this important question and explains the differences of the legal terms involved. (6:00) One of the common questions or concerns of a client may be what is stated in a custody agreement may not be what actually is occurring? (6:58) Paola discusses how this situation would impact the child support calculation. (9:04) Is participation from both parties crucial? (9:51) Paola provides a better understanding as to why it is crucial both parties participate. (10:39) Clarification is given between the relationship of the child support calculation and custody or/and visitation court order. (11:30) An explanation of the main items that go into the calculation and how it influences child support. (16:45) There are so many different scenarios for timeshare/co-parenting, how is it calculated? (17:42) Paola explains and clarifies this question. (20:56) What if the parents don’t agree on the timeshare? Where and how are the discrepancies dealt with? (21:41) Paola goes through answers to these questions. (24:59) Best way to keep track of your timeshare/co-parenting details and filing the documents in court. (28:41) Don’t forget to use a great resource available – Riverside Superior Court Self-Help Center, aka FLAC. Distinguishing the responsibility and differences of all the legal representation involved. (32:05) Information on our Virtual Workshop “We are here to help” Timeshare Calculator. (32:48) Last words of advice from Paola on this topic. (32:37) Nathan’s RivCoDCSS closing comments. (34:57) Couple of reminders; subscribe to our podcast: available on a variety of platforms including, Spotify, anchor FM, apple podcast platform, and contact us at Upcoming event – Legal day June 12, 2021. RivCoDCSS INFO: 866-901-3212 FLAC INFO: 951-274-4499 OR 760-393-2163