Season 3 - Episode 4: Community Resources available from Riverside County Department of Social Services
Welcome to RivCoDCSS Season 3 Episode 4 Coffee Break Podcast and “all things child support” with Host Nathan Hartel, Deputy Director of Programs and Operations. (2:10) Special Guest today is Marivel Castaneda, Sr. Program Specialist and Alisa Smith, Supervising Employment Services Counselor from our Community Partner, Department of Social Services (DPSS). The focus of this podcast is the self-sufficiency programs offered by DPSS, including the Welfare to Work Program. (4:59) Nathan reveals that RivCoDCSS and DPSS are striving towards the same goal – self-sufficiency for our clients. Helping our customers be at ease and to recognize that we are all here as County Agencies to provide every service that someone is qualified to receive, applies for and qualifies for. Including the cross-over of having a child support case and applying for DPSS services. (6:50) Self-sufficiency is a general term. What does self-sufficiency mean to DPSS and what services are provided? Specific to self-sufficiency, what are those programs, what is offered, and what is available to the public? (7:27) Alisa Smith states, self-sufficiency is a division within DPSS and also their philosophy. CalWORKS program and the Welfare-to-Work program will be discussed in detail later on in the podcast. (9:23) Marivel Castaneda discusses part of the Self-Sufficiency DPSS program that includes CalWORKS. (9:38) MediCal Program is discussed. What is the program, who is eligible, and what are the qualifications? (10:02) CalWORKs program is the “CalWORKS Opportunity and Responsibility Program” and is a cash assistance program. (10:15) CalFresh is explained and discussed. (10:50) The general assistance program is reviewed. Program for adults 18 years and older. There are some specific program requirements. (11:11) How do I apply for those benefits? It’s very easy to apply. (13:40) Is there any information or documentation that should be ready ahead of time when applying for programs? (16:07) Child support and CalWORKS. (18:38) The General CalWORKS umbrella and the different services. (19:37) Welfare-to-Work program discussed in detail: Employment services, job readiness workshops, classes on relationships, DPSS partners with Riverside County Behavioral Health services to offer counseling, childcare, transportation expenses, and other employment expenses to name just a few. (23.40) Who are these services available to? (25:10) There are additional programs that are fairly new to the Welfare-to-Work Program: career development services, subsidized employment program which partners with local business’, work experience program, no-cost education in-demand fields, family stabilization program, housing support programs. (27:30) Is there a limit on how long someone can have these services provided to them? (28:19) Who qualifies? Family, children and/or an individual without children? (29:04) This is a lot of information to take in, if I qualify and I’m receiving these benefits, will I have to pay the benefits back? (32:00) What is the approach and response to encourage customers to provide updated information. (34:35) Is there anything our listeners need to know about the different changes due to COVID-19 and circumstances with your office or programs? (36:36) Program is coming to an end: last two questions. Any additional services you would like to add that may have been missed and what would you like to leave with our customers in closing? (40:08) Nathan’s RivCoDCSS closing thought. (41:04) Subscribe to our podcast. For information on all DPSS programs, go to the website: To apply online for all programs, go to: If in need of food assistance – get information at: If in need of medical go to: 877-410-8827 – call for a hard copy application