Season 3 - Episode 1: Community Resources with Community Action Partnership
Riverside County Department of Child Support Services (RivCoDCSS) Season 3 will focus on our Community Partners and the Resources available to Riverside County residents. These Community Partners have the same ideals and commitment as RivCoDCSS to serve our clients and the community. This Season’s Episode 1 with Host Nathan Hartel starts with (1:00) an introduction of Olga Sanchez, Senior Community Program Specialist and Community Action Partnership (CAP). (1:18) Olga Sanchez introduces herself and explains the variety of services available. (1:50) CAP’s goal is to be able to encourage and motivate everyone to be self-sufficient and to have reachable and attainable goals. Stronger, better residents for Riverside County. (4:12) Let’s find out how COVID impacted CAP and the delivery of their services. (7:39) Olga shares the location of the five-county offices and the best ways to contact the offices at this time. (10:35) How are the services of CAP delivered? How does CAP go about the “how” part of customer service? Olga provides valuable information to these questions. (12:20) Information is shared about the utility assistance programs available from CAP. Community Action CARES is discussed in detail and all the various utilities that qualify for this program. (14:30) Who qualifies in general for CAP services/assistance? Application information and the process is explained. (19:06) CAP is a one-stop-shop. The specifics of the different available services will be discussed more in-depth. (20:01) Olga Sanchez begins with showcasing the asset-building programs. (20:21) The savings match programs allow individuals to obtain a goal that they have set for themselves. (21:05) Tech for Success Program is discussed. You can earn and obtain a desktop or laptop! (23:48) Details of the savings for services match program. Open a new business, an education goal, or the purchase of a home for the first time. The program is a dollar match on an individual’s savings. (28:28) All of our relationships with loved ones, family, and friends have been affected over the last year. The conflict resolution program and the mediation program is discussed. Workshops are available for both youth and adults. (32:33) Other services are mentioned. (32:40) The youth programs provide tutoring services, as well as a pre-apprenticeship program. (34:26) Overview of the VITA – Tax Program. (38:28) Nathan has a few closing questions and CAP provides the answers and gives some helpful pointers.