Episode 6: Interview with the Director of RivCoDCSS
Riverside County Department of Child Support Services (RivCoDCSS) has a special guest this season finale, our very own Director, Kimberly Britt. Our Director starts by giving us background on how she began working in the field of child support 21 years ago. Kimberly started her journey as a Child Support Officer in Los Angeles County (2:40). She eventually promoted to Assistant Director for Riverside County in 2016, and in 2018 she officially became Director (4:00). Child Support Services started as a very enforcement focused program close in style to law enforcement. In 2000 the department became a social service program moving away from the enforcement focus style (4:30). Regardless of the role a person plays in a child support case, our department is here to help without taking sides. Our department is here to guide parents and guardians throughout the complicated process of supporting their children. Our Director mentions that typically fathers are the non-custodial parent at 81% of our customer base (14:23). Without the parent making payments, there can be no check delivered since the program is 100% funded by the parents (15:02). The department cannot make decisions as it pleases it is highly regulated to follow the letter of the law (18:05). Although the program is mandated, our staff is open and available to answer any questions customers may have. The department understands the process is complicated, and in a dream world, Kim would make changes to help facilitate the process for our customers (27:30). When a customer has any doubts or feels overwhelmed, they are highly encouraged to reach out to our staff. Overall, the entire agency is interested in looking for creative ways to deliver service in a way that will benefit customers and their children.