RivCoDCSS Podcast: Child Support Facts vs Myths
Riverside County Child Support Services (RivCoDCSS) provides an overview in this episode on facts vs. myths to help the public understand what the department does and who we help (0:55). This episode informs the public of services the department offers equally to everyone regardless of the role they play in a child support case (1:40). A circumstance mentioned is when the paying parent loses their job and may think they are not obligated to continue paying support. The obligation to pay support does not stop automatically this is where (RivCoDCSS) informs customers on what options may be available to them (3:20). Our department is here for support during different life circumstances available through many different communication methods that fit a customer’s lifestyle (4:33). Parents have some control in deciding the amount of support that is to be paid depending on whether public assistance is being received (5:10). The State of California has a Statue that determines what guideline Child Support should be for families (5:35). Child Support is court-ordered; therefore, communication is important (RivCoDCSS) aims to help parents stay on track of payments (10:00). Automatic payments are convenient for both the paying parent as well as the custodial parent to avoid late payments (10:30). There are a variety of options available to customers and the Department of Child Support is here to help families (14:00). Our next podcast will be a flyover of the major components of a child support case.