Did Someone Say Champagne Strings?! We take a Deep Dive into the development of HEAD Lynx Tour and How Tennis Pros Playtest Strings
Guess which ATP Pro played an integral part of developing Head's newest string? We can't say BUT we do take a deep dive into how Lynx Tour was thought up and created and dialed in to create one of our most favorite strings of 2020! We also talk all about the process of how the pros playtest gear and strings as well as break down the differences between each of the HEAD strings and which one will be best for you! You will also hear: - Which ATP a WTA Pros are using HEAD String? - the Lynx, Hawk and Head Multi string families explained - What string Lynx Tour was going after? - Why certain strings are so popular on tour? - Does color really effect playability in strings? - Why the champagne color?! - How the pros playtest - BNP has been cancelled, but the stringing room is still popping! - Sneak peek of things to come in the string world - String trends on tour and so much more! Questions or want to continue the conversation?! Email us at podcast@tennis-warehouse.com