Wilson's Clash Craze Takes Over the Tennis Courts!
Wilson shook things up this spring when they announced their newest family of tennis racquets, the CLASH! With some of the lowest stiffness ratings in the industry, these racquets are not only arm-friendly but easy to swing and come fully loaded with power, control and spin. And best yet, they are fun racquets to play with and have an absolute unique feel that doesn’t compare to anything else on the market. Whether you've tried on or not, you'll want to tune into today’s episode as we chat with two of the brains behind the Wilson Clash revolution –Michael Schaeffer (Wilson’s Global Product Manager for racquets) and Kyle Schlegel (Wilson’s Global Marketing Director). They talk all about the years of work put into the development of Clash as well as the innovative, unique marketing plan (that includes a touring bus!) they created to take the world by storm with this new franchise of racquets. Listen up and hear exactly why you need to get this racquet in your hands! What is CLASH? Why you need to try one ASAP! How the Clash line of racquets was developed Who should play with Clash? How did Kyle and Michael end up at Wilson What exactly was that black and white geo print racquet? Did Roger Federer try Clash?! Influencer marketing + the power of instagram utilized in tennis for the first time What pros are using Clash – is there a push to get them in the hands of pro players Sneak peek of the new Blades! ➤Learn more about the Wilson Clash Racquets: https://www.tennis-warehouse.com/Wilson_Clash_Racquets/catpage-WILCLASHRAC.html ➤Demo a Wilson Clash: https://www.tennis-warehouse.com/demoselect.html?pcode=WC100Raproductlist=WC100Rd ➤Shop Wilson Racquets: https://www.tennis-warehouse.com/Wilsonracquets.html ➤Clash 100 Tour Review: https://www.tennis-warehouse.com/Reviews/WCTR/WCTRReview.html ➤Clash 100 Review: https://www.tennis-warehouse.com/reviews/WC100R/WC100Rreview.html ➤Clash 98 Review: https://www.tennis-warehouse.com/Wilson_Clash_98_/descpageRCWILSON-WC98R.html ➤Wilson: https://www.wilson.com/en-us ➤Wilson Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wilsontennis/ Have questions or want to continue the conversation?! Email us: podcast@tennis-warehouse.com Subscribe, rate and review! Happy Hitting!