Kobe Tribute, Julia Kelly, Brian McGhee, Johnnie Singleton and Zak Schneider Conversations!, Match 3
SOFE Match 3, begins with a personal tribute to Kobe Bryant, followed by sneak peaks into the first 4 Straight Outta Conversations, Set 1 is with Julia Kelly, current student with exciting news regarding her blossoming tennis career and her many accomplishments to this point! Set 2 is with Brian McGhee, currently the Director of Tennis for Greater Pottstown Tennis and Learning (GPTL), Brian shares his personal journey through an accomplished playing and even better coaching career! Followed by Johnnie Singleton, former student doing exciting things in his profession at the University of Pennsylvania Museum in Set 3! Zak "FedEx" Schneider another former students tells us about his tennis development through the years, overcoming a near tragic bike accident to all happening with his education at Boston University closes out this Match in Set 4. Coach Cha gives some motivational thoughts with the 7 Lovely Logics that can give any one of us something small to hold on to! Njoy Coach Cha / djCN