Ep. 48 - 1941 Ginger Rogers

The year is 1941 and the nominees are: 1. Ginger Rogers - Kitty Foyle 2. Bette Davis - The Letter 3. Katharine Hepburn - The Philadelphia Story 4. Martha Scott - Our Town 5. Joan Fontaine - Rebecca In 1941 Ginger Rogers won her first and only Oscar for Kitty Foyle. Up to that point in her career she was known as a musical/rom-com actress and of course dance partner to Fred Astaire. We’ve discussed these types of wins before with Reese Witherspoon and Sandra Bullock. This was a very stacked year. You had Bette Davis at the top of her game in The Letter. Katharine Hepburn in the famous rom-com ‘The Philadelphia Story.’ Joan Fontaine (sister to Olivia De Havilland) for Alfred Hitchcock’s Rebecca (available on YouTube I highly recommend the watch). Martha Scott for Our Town (also on YouTube). Do yourself a favour and look up these classics ( *cough* minus Our Town *cough*)! Join host Kyle Brownrigg with guest host Dan Dillabough as they discuss. . . . . . . . . . . . . #bestactress #supporting #oscars #academyawards #hollywood #silverscreen #vintage #gay #queer #lgbtq #canada #losangeles #gaypodcast #robbed #snubbed #film #movie #podcast #supporting #lead #gingerrogers #kittyfoyle #bettedavis #theletter #katharinehepburn #thephiladelphiastory #marthascott #ourtown #joanfontaine #rebecca

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