Ep. 30 - 1998 Helen Hunt
The year is 1998 and the nominees are:. 1. Helena Bonham Carter - The Wings of the Dove 2. Julie Christie - Afterglow 3. Judi Dench - Mrs. Brown 4. Helen Hunt - As Good As It Gets 5. Kate Winslet - Titanic . In 1998 Helen Hunt won the Best Actress Oscar starring opposite Jack Nicholson in As Good As It Gets. It is easily one of the best comedic performances in movie history. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good comedic performance, but her biggest competition was Kate Winslet in a little film called, Titanic (or as I like to call it, The Tanic’). Some argued Judi Dench should have won for Mrs. Brown however she won the following year for playing a different Queen so w/e she’s fine. Helena Bonham Carter was nominated for the first time for The Wings of the Dove. Julie Christie was nominated for an amazing performance in a hot mess of a film, Afterglow (although watch it, it’s hilariously bad in a good way). Who do you think should have won? Join host Kyle Brownrigg with guest host Tim Riel as they discuss. . . . . . . . . . . . . #bestactress #supporting #oscars #academyawards #hollywood #silverscreen #vintage #gay #queer #lgbtq #canada #losangeles #gaypodcast #robbed #snubbed #film #movie #podcast #supporting #lead #helenabonhamcarter #thewingsofthedove #juliechristie #afterglow #judidench #mrsbrown #helenhunt #asgoodasitgets #katewinslet #titanic