Ep. 29 - 1976 Lee Grant
The year is 1976 and the nominees are: 1. Brenda Vaccaro - Once is Not Enough 2. Sylvia Miles - Farewell, My Lovely 3. Ronee Blakley - Nashville 4. Lily Tomlin - Nashville 5. Lee Grant - Shampoo In 1976 Lee Grant won the Oscar for Best Supporting actress for her role in Shampoo. This was Grant’s third nomination and first (and only) win. Brenda Vaccaro won the Golden Globe for Once is Not Enough but I suspect she didn’t win because the movie is, in today’s standards, a campy (and incest/creepy) mess (although I highly recommend watching it’s hilarious). Sylvia Miles was nominated for Farewell, My Lovely starring Robert Mitchum for only being on screen for 8 minutes. Ronee Blakley and the iconic Lily Tomlin were both first time nominees for Robert Altman’s Nashville. Join host Kyle Brownrigg with guest host Dan Dillabough as they discuss. . . . . . . . . . . . . #bestactress #supporting #oscars #academyawards #hollywood #silverscreen #vintage #gay #queer #lgbtq #canada #losangeles #gaypodcast #robbed #snubbed #film #movie #podcast #supporting #lead #brendavaccaro #onceisnotenough #sylviamiles #farewellmylovely #roneeblakley #nashville #lilytomlin #leegrant #shampoo