Ep. 24 - 1980 Sally Field
???? NEW EPISODE ALERT ????The year is 1980 and the nominees are:. 1. Sally Field - Norma Rae 2. Jane Fonda - The China Syndrome 3. Jill Clayburgh - Starting Over 4. Marsha Mason - Chapter Two 5. Bette Midler - The Rose In 1980 Sally Field won her first Oscar for Norma Rae playing a factory worker trying to form a union in a textile factory. At this point the general public mostly knew her for The Flying Nun and television stars were seen as ‘less than’ movie stars. Nowadays movie stars are in every type of TV Show or Netflix series but back in the day, TV meant your career was over. Which is why this win was a big deal and a sign of change in the industry. What’s interesting is Jill Clayburgh, Jane Fonda, and Marsha Mason were all offered the role of Norma Rae but they turned it down. Oops! Jane Fonda was nominated for The China Syndrome (basically the prequel to Chernobyl) and was FANTASTIC but she won the year before for Coming Home making her win unlikely (but not impossible (Kathryn Hepburn)). Jill Clayburgh was nominated for Starting Over. Marsha Mason was unfortunately disqualified from this race because we were unable to find a copy of the film, Chapter Two. Bette Midler was nominated for a loosely-based-on-Janis-Joplin-A-Star-is-Born-the-later-years-esque role in The Rose. Join host Kyle Brownrigg with guest host Matt Carter as they discuss. . . . . . . . . . . . . #bestactress #supporting #oscars #academyawards #hollywood #silverscreen #vintage #gay #queer #lgbtq #canada #losangeles #gaypodcast #robbed #snubbed #film #movie #podcast #supporting #lead #sallyfield #normarae #jillclayburgh #startingover #bettemidler #therose #marshamason #chaptertwo #janefonda #thechinasyndrome