5. Egos and Identities in the Workplace with Dr. Gareth Holman
Self-awareness in the workplace is hard to come by—because our egos are so good at “protecting” us from reality. For many of us, our identity is so tied up in who we are at work that deep down we worry, “If not for my title... who am I?” In this episode of Brave New Work, Aaron Dignan and Rodney Evans talk about how our egos get the better of us, and why reinventing organizations often means reinventing ourselves. Later, they’re joined by psychologist Dr. Gareth Holman (Rodney’s own coach) who shares how we can bring the inside out, to become better colleagues and better people. Learn more about Dr. Holman at his website or on Linkedin. References Mentioned: The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership by Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman, and Kaley Warner Klemp Principles: Your Guided Journal by Ray Dalio The Trusted Advisor by David H. Maister, Robert Galford, and Charles Green ---------------------- Our book is available now at bravenewwork.com. We want to hear from you. Send your feedback to podcast@theready.com. Looking for some help with your own transformation? Visit theready.com.