13: The Shot Caller
A gang can look like a family to a kid who grows up with an abusive father and little sense of family at home. For Casey Diaz, it was the protection and loyalty of a gang that drew him in. After violent initiations and living the gang life, Casey was arrested for murder while still a teenager. In prison, Casey became a “shot caller” and commanded the respect of enemy gang members. Then while enduring solitary confinement for most of everyday, he was visited by an unexpected visitor and would experience an unexpected change in his life. Casey’s life is a reminder that no one is too far gone to be used by God. Show Notes and Resources Learn more about Casey Diaz or his book, "The Shot Caller." https://caseydiaz.net/ Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network. Your generous support of FamilyLife helps create podcasts like Unfavorable Odds. https://donate.familylife.com/unfavorable-odds/