4: Healing and Living Free From Abuse
Marriage should be the most trusted and intimate relationship of all, but for Ramona Probasco, marriage quickly turned into a prison of fear and danger. She suffered and persevered through two decades of physical, emotional and verbal abuse. And in spite of her ex-husband's evil intent, Dr. Ramona triumphed-not only escaping the abuser, but in the process becoming personally whole and professionally equipped to help thousands of other women overcome domestic abuse. Show Notes and Resources Healing Well and Living Free From an Abusive Relationship by Dr. Ramona Probasco. https://shop.familylife.com/p-5418-healing-well-and-living-free-from-an-abusive-relationship.aspx Dr. Ramona's Website: DrRamona.com"Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men" by Lundy Bancroft. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000Q9J0RO Dr. Ramona's interview on FamilyLife Today® https://www.familylife.com/podcast/series/living-free-from-abusive-relationships/