Racism in the Time of Coronavirus
Hey. Paola here. In this episode, I share my experience with COVID-19 racism and conversations with Phil Yu (Angry Asian Man) and Devin Cabanilla (Filipino American National Historical Society, Seattle) about the disturbing rise of anti-Asian racism and xenophobia. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU: CALL THE LONG DISTANCE HOTLINE AT 213-293-6024. Leave a message with your name, where you're calling from and answers to some of these questions: How do you feel right now? What’s your stay-at-home situation like? If you have to go out, why and what do you do? Are you on the frontlines of this COVID-19 fight? What’s happening in your community? Have you experienced racism? What are you doing to fight back? What’s getting you through this? Do you have any words of advice for other people? Anyone can call in so please do! Messages will be included in the next episode. Learn more at LongDistanceRadio.com. Support our work. CREDITS: This episode was written, edited, mixed, and hosted by Paola Mardo. Long Distance is produced by Paola Mardo and Patrick Epino. This season of Long Distance is produced with support from PRX and the Google Podcasts creator program, donors on PayPal, and Patreon members, supporters, and ambassadors. Music in this episode is by Blue Dot Sessions. Theme Song is by C. Light and the Prisms.