Jules a Pj: Faith a Future
In Today's episode, Jules and Pat talk religion, faith a their thoughts on the future together. They start out by reading some of your submitted faith and/or miracle stories! Pat talks about what he has learned within their interfaith relationship since meeting Jules as well as how he grew up. Give this a listen and let us know what you thought/ if you have similar situations! Feel free to give us as rating on Apple Podcasts! SOCIALS: Be sure to follow us on social- VIv- https://www.instagram.com/vivianeaudi/ Jules- https://www.instagram.com/jules.jacobson/ Love That For You Podcast- https://www.instagram.com/lovethatforyoupod/ Youtube- Viv- https://www.youtube.com/vivianeaudi Jules- https://www.youtube.com/julesjacobson --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/lovethatforyou/message