EP 54: Faking Cancer, Men in Tights, a Does Money Equal Happiness? feat Justin Gatlin
This week Carla a Tony sit down with the Reigning World Champion a Olympic Gold Medalist Justin Gatlin. Today's Episode is brought to you by Audible get your FREE 30 day trial and FREE Book at www.audibletrial.com/shitim30 just for the listeners of SH*T I'm 30! Podcast SH*T YOU SHOULD KNOW Kentucky woman arrested after allegedly faking cancer diagnosis, raising $10k in donations DOES MONEY EQUAL HAPPINESS Becoming the fastest man in the world and suddenly hated and shunned by the world in the blink of an eye we find out what Justin Gatlin think about money and happiness. Find out how during Justin's darkest times he says he actually had some of his best experiences. Ever wonder how to become an Olympic track star? Listener asks about track uniforms on the men (yes the tight ones!) UNSOLICITED ADVICE Man wants to know if he should make gf pay for more things because she is being able to save more money than him. SH*T TAAALK Faking being sick to not go to school, but then you're really sick in real life! Thank you so much for listening and don't forget to please Rate a Review the podcast on iTunes/Apple Podcast