Investigating Death
Police officers are also referred to as First Responders. When a death has taken place, whether it be natural, suicide, accidental, or murder it is police that are the ones who are called first and arrive first. There are a lot of responsibilities involved in that process. There is the protection of the crime scene as well as the securing of witnesses. There is the possible search for a suspect and the necessity to be vigilant when it comes to our own safety. Then there is the investigation itself, as the loss of human life is the highest priority investigation we do. There are precise details that have to be obtained and the careful examination of evidence. In this episode, Keith addresses these calls and details involved. He will also take a look at some calls since the past episode posted as well as some of the more memorable death investigations he has been a part of. Don't forget you can follow the show on Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat(coplifepodcast). You can also check out the show on the website: If you have any questions you would like answered on the show or any comments, feel free to email anytime at