In the wake of the mass shooting of police officers in Dallas, Texas last week, I've experienced several things in the aftermath. This weekend, I'm doing an episode on what is typically an "off-week" for the show. I wanted to record and get this out while the memories and experiences are still fresh. This week, I talk about the overwhelming show of support from our nation and our area. I had the opportunity to work in downtown Dallas last Tuesday for the memorial service that included speeches by President Obama and former President Bush. At that event, and at various other times and places I received numerous handshakes, hugs, words of encouragement and support, and a show of solidarity from our citizens that has at times brought me close to tears. I also want to share other instances of support and encouragement that I have been informed of or have direct knowledge of from others. This week's episode is titled "Aftermath", but that is not a bad thing. I'm going to talk about the memorial as well as my experience on an overpass during the funeral procession of one of the fallen officers. I'll also highlight some experiences that other officers had including a delegation from NYPD and a group of Fort Worth, Texas officers who received a standing ovation when they entered a restaurant. Be sure to check out the website for videos and photos. Link to the story about the NYPD officers experience of hospitality can be found here