Lets Have A Fefe
YouTube personality Felicia Minor tells her story on our show today. Felicia is a Jamaican drag queen who's take on the world is a bit more colorful than most. While being out and proud on YouTube, Felicia is quite the opposite in her every day-to-day life, with most of her family knowing nothing about her life as a drag queen. Living a life of secrecy can be frightening for just about anyone, LGBT or not. See where secrecy and the emotions that surround it play a part of your life, and then see how you might be able to relate to people like Felicia. Are you able to open your heart? I hope that whatever brought you to listen to today's episode Felicia's story provides you with some insight, clarity, hope, and joy. Find a way to relate… because if you look deep enough… you will. If you’d like to be apart of something special and tell your coming of age story, coming out story, or anything that you feel is important to the LGBT world we welcome you to the show. Just contact us on facebook at facebook.com/ourlgbtstories or email us at contact@ourlgbtstories.com.