EP 30: Dr. Ashley Farmer on Systemic Racism in America, Intersectionality a Active Allyship

Today's episode is one of my proudest moments as a podcaster. I had the pleasure of sitting down with Dr. Ashley Farmer, an author and educator of African American History and Black Radicalism. I took her course in African American History at The University of Texas at Austin in the fall of 2019, and it was one of the most eye-opening experiences of my college career. In this episode, we talk about Black History, how to be an active ally, grammatical and linguistic distinctions, police brutality, Black Lives Matter, and so much more. I really hope you enjoy this episode and be sure to share with your friends, family, social media, etc. Keep educating yourselves! Organizational Spotlight: Survived a Punished Website: https://survivedandpunished.org Other Resources: Book about Ella Baker: Ella Baker a the Black Freedom Movement by Barbara Ransby Whose Streets Documentary (we watched this in her class): https://www.whosestreetsfilm.com Resources from Black Lives Matter: https://blacklivesmatter.com/resources/ Resources from AIGA: https://eyeondesign.aiga.org/a-growing-black-lives-matter-resource-list-for-designers-and-humans/ Where to find Dr. Ashley Farmer: Website: https://www.ashleydfarmer.com Twitter: @drashleyfarmer Where to find me: Personal Instagram: @kelseylynnjones Podcast Instagram: @whatsstoppingyoupodcast FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/whatsstoppingyoupodcast/

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