Its a Wild Mans World pt 1. Bigfoot and Sasquatch" in the UK
This is an early released private podcast for BBR Members and Patreons of the site. This will not be shared with the general public until sometime in the future. These accounts are in a raw state without any editing, spelling or grammar. Many of the witnesses are members of BBR and it is with their permission that I can share them with you tonight. Please excuse me if I stumble on the odd occasion as some of the text is a little hard to untangle. Here in the Uk I am often asked what does a British Bigfoot look like, and my usual answer is as varied and different as each human being.Bringing you Witness reports and Guests each week, these are exclusive Podcasts and will air on Youtube one week later, Thank you for following our Podcast, please share to show support. If you would like to join our Worldwide community please contact us using All abilities welcome, no experience needed. Help us investigate these cases or chat with fellow members online.#BBR is a non profit Organisation, run by volunteers. Please click LIKE or SUBSCRIBE to show support. Feel free to SHARE.Copyright ©2005-2021 All Rights Reserved.