Avoid the ‘Quarantine 15’ with These Healthy Chick-fil-A Menu Swaps
Gyms are closed, stress levels are high, and we’re all turning to comfort food during this crazy time. Weight gain during isolation has been dubbed the “quarantine 15”. Rather than avoiding our happy place (aka Chick-fil-A!) our guest today wants to challenge you to choose some healthier menu options the next time you cruise through the drive thru. Swap those Waffle Fries for Kale Crunch Salad, and the Hashbrown Scramble Burrito for the Egg White Grill. Healthy living blogger Katie Scott from ChasingVibrance.com shares her tips for eating healthy at Chick-fil-A whether you’re counting calories, eating keto or going paleo. It’s possible to meet your health goals while still eating at Chick-fil-A! Check out Katie’s blog at ChasingVibrance.com or follow her on Instagram @Chasing Vibrance. To buy the Waffle Fry Earrings you heard about on today’s episode visit https://chickfilapodcast.com/product/waffle-fry-earrings/ Check out our list of the 7 Healthiest Menu Items at Chick-fil-A Edited by Jim Mann, Mann Made Productions: https://mannmadeproductions.com/ For fan gear, freebies and more visit https://chickfilapodcast.com/ Connect with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChickfilaPodcast Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chickfilapodcast/