Show #595 - Vito Barkinson
Pure insanity. That's where we are folks. And I'm not even talking about what's happening in the world, I'm talking about today's show. ( was actually pretty mellow today.) Thanks for joining us and we're more than happy to have you. Today, we were lucky enough to have Ross join us on news, which is always rad. Don't forget that he's got a big comedy show coming up tomorrow night at Bloodhound Brew. Peep the link HERE! On this week's show: * Letting Tommy say bad words * The "C" word * Mail on male * Coming up with your own facts * Streaming Among Us * Baby leaves a voicemail * Smooth crackey * Dilating eyes- Andrea calls in * "She wants more than the can" * Ross POS news * Ross got his eyebrow ring ripped out by fucking * Putin has Parkinson's? * Shit shank * Kids upstairs throwing sticks * BDM lego tattoo * Vito Barkinson * Masked Singer audience * Tom mumbling through commercials ... Have a wonderful weekend, ya'll! All love! d