Story Time 82 – Walking like a dude, feeling all cool
It's Story Time, our weekly walk through cricket history via your listener quiz challenges. This week, even when Bharat Sundaresan is not on the show he can create general hilarity by being in the room. We're Story Timing you all the way from Karachi in the depths of the Pakistan tour. Plenty of tales from this part of the world and from much further afield. Your Nerd Pledge numbers this week: 1.42 - Uzair Khan & Ross "River Fever" Davey 2.31 - Anna Peterson 1.58 - Rooto 2.58 - Danny Strickland & Rahul Venkat 5.63 - Michael Holden & Mark Bagworth 3.41 - Conor Prendergast & Richard L. Send us a Nerd Pledge at Find other episodes at Get 20% off Woodstock Cricket kit with code TFW20 at Check out Brick Lane at Support the show: See for privacy information.