Twitter Listening Your Way To Success with Matt Diederichs from Hootsuite
In this episode I chat with Matt Diederichs. He’s the Community Growth Coordinator at Hootsuite. He devotes his time on Twitter building engagement, loyalty and advocacy for the Hootsuite brand. He says Hootsuite’s #1 platform for customer engagement is Twitter. I have a soft place in my heart for the company because I’ve been using them since its inception many years ago. It makes using Twitter so much easier. Matt and I met recently on a great Twitter chat called #MediaChat Thursdays 10pm ET. We’re both big fans of Twitter chats. It will come as no surprise that Matt helps run the wildly popular Hootsuite Twitter chat #HootChat Thursdays 3pm ET. In this episode, here’s what Matt covers: Get really good at Twitter listening. Have a listening first perspective. At Hootsuite they listen for brand mentions: @Hootsuite, Hootsuite and misspellings. Before you build a content and publishing strategy, build a listening strategy and look for opportunities to join conversations. Twitter has matured to the point where everybody is pushing content. Everybody is using tools to schedule content. There’s a real content overload on Twitter. Your opportunity to differentiate yourself is in engaging. Get out from behind your brand on Twitter. Use Twitter as yourself in addition to your branded handle. This creates a personal touchpoint. More meaningful connection. Twitter chats are a strong example of true community on Twitter. You can get the most meaningful relationships within a short period of time. You can generate more quality authentic relationships in a one hour chat than you ever could from publishing for an hour a week. We want to be an enabler of conversations. We want our friends to make friends because of us. Twitter chats are a great way for us to do that. Go to where your customers and friends are. Engage in established communities such as Twitter chats. Your Call-To-Action: Sign up for a free Hootsuite account and try it out. It’s a great app! I use it everyday. Also try Followerwonk – Twitter analytics. Links mentioned in this episode: @mattddrchs on Twitter Hootsuite – manage social networks, schedule messages, engage your audiences, and measure ROI right from your dashboard. #HootChat – Hootsuite’s weekly Twitter chat every Thursday 3pm ET Twitter chats: #SbizHour Mondays 4pm ET and #CMGRhangout Fridays 2pm ET Twitter tools/apps: Hootsuite, Followerwonk, uberVU, Topsy Twitter chat tools: Hootsuite dashboard with targeted streams. See Matt’s article for tips on: How To Rock A Twitter Chat With Hootsuite Matt’s article: Everything You Need to Know to Set Up Your First Twitter Chat How To Reach Matt: You can reach Matt on Twitter @mattddrchs and be sure to check out his blog at Medium. Your Call To Action: Sign up for a free Hootsuite account and try it out. It’s a great platform for listening like Matt discussed. Also try Followerwonk – Twitter analytics. Tweet me@MadalynSklar and let me know what you think of these apps. Share The Love For This Podcast!Want an easy “one-click” way to Share The Love for this podcast? Go here: to tweet out your love. Thanks for the listen! I appreciate you listening to the podcast. I would be extremely grateful if you would take a moment to rate a review the podcast in iTunes. If you do this, it will help me in the ranking so more people can find this helpful podcast. I read every review that comes in. And know that you have my sincere thanks! And please be sure to also subscribe to this podcast. It will ensure you won’t miss an episode! Show notes at