Ep 10: A Strawbridge over Troubled Water
We recorded this during some dark times in our country's history. There's no glossing over that fact. But no matter how bad things get, Dick Strawbridge and his wild, wild cabins are there to help. Oh, and did we forget to mention that he's a Lieutenant-Colonel with the British Army? So actually, that'll be Lt Colonel Dick Strawbridge to you. Also, Jess talks about Uno and vegetarian lasagna, while I introduce our newest segment: Doctor Doctor, actually I don't trust you very much. But who cares about any of that; this is a Dick Strawbridge podcast now. And at a limber 53 minutes, no less! Music used in this episode includes: 'Ad Break': Guillaume Tucker - Bebop Molecule http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Guillaume_Tucker/2015021275957958/BebopMolecule-GTucker-Verdigris Outro: Jahzzar - Green Lights http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar/Tumbling_Dishes_Like_Old-Mans_Wishes/Green_Lights And our theme song: Steve Combs - Drag Chain http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Steve_Combs/Speaking_in_Spirals_1809/03_Drag_Chain