The Bag of Withholding
Greetings, Mortals! Join us on our bi-weekly adventure, as Ælar Drakal and Phaelan Maerdock continue their journey to defeat the Empress and her Grey Knights as their army dominates the land. This particular adventure takes a...very personal...turn as Ælar and Phalen travel to somewhere never traveled before. Break the Dice is an improvised podcast in the style of a classic DaD adventure. Support the Podcast on Patreon Buy Bearded Merch a See Our Live Shows Follow Us on Twitter Like Us on Facebook Check Out Our Insta Our performers: Game Master / Allen Voigt: Instagram: @prettgoodstories Ælar Drakal / Tyler Michaels: Website:, Insta: @tylermichaelsking, Twitter: @tylermichaels Phaelan Maerdock / MJ Marsh: Instagram: @mj_marsh_ NPC / Joe Rapp: Twitter and Instagram: @fakejoerapp NPC / Tyler Mills: Twitter: @tydmills NPC / Maria Bartholdi: Twitter and Instagram: @MissMariapants Accompanist / Jack Barrett: Website:, Instagram: @jackbarrettmusic Some background ambiance courtesy of: Tabletop Audio // Support them on Patreon