Microtheticast.053 — A Man Made of Many Fishes
OH WOW HI. We're still talkin' 'bout smells, y'all. I wanted to use a lot of apostrophes in that sentence, and, well, I did. You can't stop me. No one can. For our game this week, we're doing a version of the Collaboratory that features the antiquated technology of Smell-O-Vision! Listen to see how she is played, and enjoy as we describe scenes from "Bible Bucks," "Hair of the Dog," and "Fish Touches." The last one wasn't actually named, but I went for it. Topics include: Josh Hartnett Finally Playing Twins, Hallmark Romange, The Lovely Smell of Orange Soda, and Challenge Mode. *** Come chat with other fans in our FACEBOOK GROUP. iTunes Facebook Twitter Instagram YOUTUBE Or, search for us on SPOTIFY if you think Jeremy deserved better.