Microtheticast.051 — For Squeezin', For Squashin', For Stickin', For Lovin'
Touch! It's still that theme. But this is a Microtheticast, so we're playing a little game. A game we made up, called "The Good, The Bad, and The Answer." Sometimes, you touch something, and that's nice. Other times, you touch something, and it feels bad. This is a good example of the sort of off-the-wall zany unpredictable comedy that gets us the sick download numbers, and keeps you coming back for more. We're asking plenty of touch-based hypothetical questions, so get your senses ready. Topics include: The Trash Lifestyle, "Could I Be the One?", It Would Feel Cool to Wash Yourself, Too Much Tang, and The Sweaty Cheese Spa Treatment. *** Come chat with other fans in our FACEBOOK GROUP. iTunes Facebook Twitter Instagram YOUTUBE Or, search for us on SPOTIFY if you think Octopusses is better than Octopodes.