HTNOS - Just The Two Of Us
This week on #NoOffense it's just Chris and The Duchess and they get into their thoughts on New Year's, resolutions, psychics, ghosts, aliens and even religion spawned by a video game The Duchess has gotten into. WTF Florida this week brought us a would be time traveler with a malfunctioning flux capacitor, a #FloridaMan who burned down his house to defend against vampires and tricycle riding bandit who robbed her mail carrier with a toy gun. The only resolution we have is to continue bring the nonsense in 2019. Thanks to everyone who made 2018 a great year in podcasting! This week's featured podcast is Netflix N Swill #NoOffense is sponsored by Adam and Eve! Visit Adam and Eve , the #1 adult toy superstore and use code word HTNOS at checkout to save 50% on just about any item on the site, 3 free adult DVDs, a free mystery gift and to top it all off...FREE SHIPPING! So keep those home fires burning with Adam and Eve and #NoOffense and don't forget to use code word HTNOS at checkout!!! #NoOffense is part of the NSFW Podcast Network Never miss a new episode, subscribe and give us a rating on Apple Podcasts! Also available on Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean and everywhere else you can find podcasts! Visit us on Patreon and help support the show! For #NoOffense merchandise visit us at We Have Merch Get interactive with us, we love to hear from you! Facebook Twitter Instagram Email us at