HTNOS - Who's The Boss?
Episode 61 This week on #NoOffense we talked about fighting and some of the fights we've gotten into in our lives, sparked off by the nasty on ice brawl during a Tampa Bay Lightning game last week. We also get about as political as we'll ever get and discuss the midterm elections, in particular the amendments that passed here in Florida...and speaking of Florida, our WTF segment had stories about a man who was attacked by crocodiles after climbing into a gator farm, a record setting python captured in south Florida, an apparent victim of witchcraft that took maters into his own hands and a Dr that probably didn't finish at the top of his class. All this nonsense and more this week on the #NoOffense Show! This week's featured podcast is Man Brain Podcast #NoOffense is sponsored by Adam and Eve! Visit Adam and Eve , the #1 adult toy superstore and use code word HTNOS at checkout to save 50% on just about any item on the site, 3 free adult DVDs, a free mystery gift and to top it all off...FREE SHIPPING! So keep those home fires burning with Adam and Eve and #NoOffense and don't forget to use code word HTNOS at checkout!!! #NoOffense is part of the NSFW Podcast Network Never miss a new episode, subscribe and give us a rating on Apple Podcasts! Also available on Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean and everywhere else you can find podcasts! Visit us on Patreon and help support the show! For #NoOffense merchandise visit us at We Have Merch Get interactive with us, we love to hear from you! Facebook Twitter Instagram Email us at