#NoOffense Episode 44 - Off Colored Discussions Swapcast 7/6/2018
This week on #NoOffense we welcome our friends from New England Off Colored Discussions for our first ever swapcast! The boys are celebrating their 1 year anniversary and decided to join forces with us for twice the nonsense. We hit some good conspiracy theory conversation including the moon landing, hollow moon, aliens and the Ashtar Galactic Command. They also brought some great stories down south for us like tales from their annual camping trip on a remote island and what happens when your friend almost chops his thumb off, to fighting off ninja Brazilians in an Applebees parking lot...and that wasn't even Welcome To Florida! We bring WTF to the north as we cover a guy lighting off fireworks inside a Dollar Tree, a man getting oral pleasure from a woman in a park that just happened to be his step daughter and a woman who incited a riot at a Burger King because she felt she was being ignored in the drive thru line. I know one thing, that wouldn't have happened at Chipotle! The fun didn't end when the audio did, there's a special "After Hours" video over at the OCD YouTube page that you can check out here This week's featured podcast is Simmons and Moore #NoOffense is part of the NSFW Podcast Network Never miss a new episode, subscribe and give us a rating on Apple Podcasts! Also available on Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean and everywhere else you can find podcasts! Check out our YouTube channel where you can relive some past moments from the show! Click the "Subscribe" button on the page and help us to get to 100 subscribers so we can get our own HTNOS Url address Visit us on Patreon and help support the show! For #NoOffense merchandise visit us at We Have Merch Get interactive with us, we love to hear from you! The #NoOffense Show Community Facebook Twitter Instagram Email us at HTNOS@Yahoo.com Intro music performed by Alaya www.basickrecords.com